Showing: 17 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Blog Cozy Roundup up pic

12 Amazing Summertime Cozies You Should Crochet Today!!

Who loves summertime? I do, it’s my favorite season and the hotter the better! To celebrate the Summer season we’ve put together a fabulous roundup of 12 Amazing Summertime Cozies You Should Crochet Today!! IT’S A SMILE, IT’S A KISS, IT’S A SIP OF WINE…IT’S SUMMERTIME! Kenny Chesney With summertime comes warmer temps or just …

SASSy Sunflower Coaster 3

New SASSy Sunflower Coaster Pattern

Do you have a knack for creating beautiful, handmade home decor pieces? Are you looking for a new crochet pattern to add to your collection? Well, look no further, because today we have a special treat for you! Introducing the SASSy Sunflower Coaster pattern, the newest addition to the SASS home decor collection. This charming …

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The Feb ’21 SASSy Spotlight…

The February ’21 SASSy Spotlight… February! Where have you gone?? I cannot believe we’re getting ready to close out this month already. But, we’re going to finish it off with a bang by turning the Feb ’21 SASSy Spotlight on my crochet pal Krystal over at Eco-Minded Stitches!! We’re so excited to get to spend …

Triple egg pic

#EggstravagantCrochet: Make the Ultimate Jumbo Easter Egg with This Pattern!

Attention all crochet lovers! The holiday season is upon us and what better way to celebrate Easter than by adding a homemade touch to your decorations. Say hello to the Jumbo Easter Egg crochet pattern! This delightful pattern will not only add a touch of sweetness to your decor, but it’s also completely free to …